
Bianca Venere Venus

(personal photo)


by Bianca Venere – Venus

I’ve been wanting to talk properly about this topic for YEARS, which is mentioned in my essay “Petals of Fire – Physical, Sacred, Astral, Flame Sex” (not translated in english).

It was years because I was/am VERY reluctant to talk about it, both for highly intimate and personal factors and because it is an EXTREMELY sensitive topic, perhaps only after about the Masculine Flame leaving this Dimensional Plane through Physical Death.

In fact, I don’t think this will come out as a simple article, but more as a personal outlet.
However, I hope it is still appreciated.

A Guru I followed between 2018 and 2019 said that before understanding who her Flame was, she thought she was the Flame of Eros Ramazzotti because she felt that those texts had been written specifically for her.
She then she realized, through maturity, that she wasn’t like that and she laughed about it.

It’s a terribly delicate area more than a crystal… more than a soap bubble because a person can fall victim to the Identification Process (https://m.facebook.com/venusfiammegemelle/photos/a.156934552517927/480939300117449/?type =3 ) which can be very dangerous and have bad consequences.

What essentially changes anyway?
Absolutely nothing in terms of soul dynamics typical of Twin Flames.
Those are and those remain.

What changes is the Daily Life within the Matrix and everything is upgraded to the highest level.

The Reptilian Doubts that are already heavy for any “normal” Feminine Flame are brought to full power here.

The Karmic Thirds can be Star Seeds like Reptilian Children directly, therefore with 50/50 Human-Reptilian DNA or directly 100% Reptilian showing themselves in 3D as Humans, in any case stars of the show often millionaires.

The thought that maybe the Male Flame will never even know his own name.

The thought of “for him / her I will never be as beautiful as the Third Karmic who is next to us”… is enhanced.

The thought of being “one in a million”….but also out of ten million or even more, becomes like a sharp blade that enters the bowels.

The fact that we will never meet in this Incarnation which is amplified by the sentences (all experienced above all in adolescence due to friends and relatives who do not understand and do not know the existence of Soul Bonds other than those of Blood) ” but that * not even knows of your existence!!! Think of someone real”.
Phrases that don’t simply break the Heart, they directly make it wither like a flower that was looking for Light and fresh drizzle and instead finds only acid rain.

And/or if instead there is the possibility of meeting, it would be only for about ten seconds, time for a couple of photos.
Sacred seconds for which you also pay money…sacred seconds that pierce your Soul, but which then, already the second time several months later, create you not just a simple normal Emotional Dependence, but directly an interruption of favorite dose of Perfection at maximum levels terribly abruptly like a guillotine severing a limb of your body and you don’t even have time to realize it.

It is said that loving the Twin Flame is like loving a dead person: in these cases it is the Feminine Flame that dies in a very slow unwanted agony.

The thought that creates the Reptilian Fear of “maybe I’ve only ever made a movie in my head…its Twin Flame will be out there and it’s not me” becomes magnified in a negative way.

The reptilian thoughts on the abuses about the Reptilian Third Karmic copying, taking revenge, controlling, spying from one’s desires, to one’s 5D to oneiric dreams making you feel like a crazy person because “s/he doesn’t know of my existence, yet steal everything” become almost a phobia and no one will be able to understand you because they will make you feel like a Narcissist or a person with delusions of grandeur when instead you are the Victim.

Being able to see your Flame through a screen almost daily, but not being able to physically have it in the HERE and NOW with you and see that Perfection… makes you sick.

Seeing your Twin Flame suffer because perhaps is squeezed like a lemon and used at the highest levels by the Third Karmic Reptilian for Fake Engagements, Fake Weddings under secret contract and for photo shoots where everything is fake, from smiles to caresses, from kisses to hugs … and you think that YOU should to receive those caresses, those smiles, those kisses, those hugs because it should be so by Divine Right, but the reptilian thoughts of “s/he’s happy, s/he’s fine… I’m a selfish to think that s/he’s actually sick” always peep out inviting you to think that in his life you are nothing and instead most likely s/he’s really sick inside and as a Soul and you can’t do absolutely nothing in 3D to help him/her as you would like because deep down in your Soul KNOW and FEEL that it would like to be with you and love you the way you love it, but you have no proof at your disposal and so you cling to the signs, to the dreams because it is the only thing available to you and yet you still have Reptilian Doubts they rot even that tiny foothold of confirmation.

The reptilian thought of “but who can give me the assurance that he/she would really like me and that he/she would like to be by his/her side?”
is magnified in a negative way.

The fact that perhaps an exchange of likes on a social network takes place at an absolutely unexpected moment… that one like received is part of the Sacredness of the Path in which it must be almost forcibly returned because beyond that… you cannot have.

A Female Twin Flame of a VIP Male Twin Flame lives in settling for CRUMBS.
Sacred crumbs, but crumbs much more than the Female Flames in more classic and more common Twin Flame situations.

Feeling mad and crazy is exponentiated, as well as desiring, something that seems to never be able to be realized in this Life and it is in these moments that often, in the throes of human despondency, the Path is almost cursed while recognizing its Sacredness and its Beauty in every form.
We live in an existential limbo, neither more nor less.

No, practically nothing changes on a Soul level, but it changes a lot on a daily 3D level where everything is amplified, from emotions, to feelings, from the highest vibrational ones to the lowest ones.

The sentimental solitude to voluntarily seek a Karmic Third does not weigh in the slightest.
That what weighs rather are all the sensations and emotions, the fears and the insecurities of never being able to crown that Love on the Physical Plan, from kisses, to hugs, from Sacred Sex to one’s Mission as a Couple to have to do in this Life.

Seeing the energy of one’s country polluted because perhaps the Karmic Third has decided in his/her Toxic Narcissism to do his/her own photo shoot going to ruin Natural Reserves just to make his/her dirty scoop without having a minimum of dignity and Respect for Nature and its Spirit, or take pictures in front of the monuments rich in a thousand-year history that s/he does not know and that he / she is not even interested in and then sell the videos to tourism companies with images of your flame distorted with very clear signs of falling asleep of a Male Twin Flame;
videos that maybe go viral around the country, but you come to discover them from your grandmother via “message forwarded many times” on whatsapp.

Reading that your Third Karmic to stay young and beautiful uses “the blood of his/her lover” and what s/he defines as “lover” could be right your Twin Flame and at that point you realize you are not dealing with a simple Vampire Energetic, but with a full-fledged Vampire who uses Adrenochrome and who most likely also secretly produces it.

Knowing that you have a murderous and criminal Karmic Third, who also exploits Covid to pass her/him as a Twin Flame in the eyes of the World through his/her Gossip, making you die from Fear for the Health of your Flame when s/he still continues to bind her/his for his purposes of simple appearance … and you can do nothing and not “send Love and Light” from a distance.

Sacrifice yourself if you can’t stand the fans and their comments made of filth and vulgarity with which you have to be in close contact for at least a few hours… and it freaks you out, but you are spiritually forced only to thank because you have no right to complain .

Sacrificing your money, which causes Soul Rage and you wonder “why do I have to pay hundreds of € between travel, Hotel, and event to see my Flame and be next to it only for a few seconds when I should instead be part of its life in a way all natural? Why???”

And so you think of all the bad things you may have done in your Past Lives to give an explanation to this Karma that you have to live daily as a simple Human Being, vulnerable and courageous yes, but also fragile.

Only a Female Flame who is on the same Path as you can understand you and not even in this case because, as soon as you perhaps have had a sacred 3D fortune such as a photo together and you want to show it to her to share your Soul Happiness with her , in the Friend Flame you have known for years, with whom you have exchanged experiences, points of view, stories, inner illuminations and with whom you simply wanted to share your Happiness,
triggers an unspeakable Soul Envy that makes her shoot venom of personal Inner Anger that kills and annihilates you and all the work you’ve done on yourself on your insecurities is extinguished in record time and you think you’re a horrible person that can’t not even sharing the most beautiful experience of his life because you don’t have the right.

The Life of a Female Twin Flame of a VIP Male Flame is like this, quite simply.
Energies very similar to those of the other Twin Flames…feeling emotions at a distance, feeling Malaise or Well-being at a distance, receiving signs, meeting each other in dreams but with a heavier and more fearful 3D Life on a naturally Human level because you don’t even know if you’ll ever meet her in this Life.

What to do?
❤🙏🏻 To work in the 5D, to hope, to desire, to dream, to wish, to wait, to live on just like any normal Female Twin Flame, to commit oneself, to sacrifice oneself economically even against one’s will at every possible occasion for a new 3D encounter because this is really the only way…always do the first steps, be highly patient sacrificing your Human nerves putting them aside, try not to close the Heart Chakra to avoid feeling the Soul Connection due to the too much Pain that the Soul itself feels even if the temptation is very strong, do not let the Karmic Thirds sell themselves photos of anything they offer to earn using your Twin Flame and seeing it appear punctually on Google Discover or on Cosmopolitan at the newsstand while you just want to buy a second-hand book on the Templars for €4 with a sun-faded cover.
Be strong and move forward, respect yourself, don’t let yourself be knocked down by the Fiction of the Matrix of which the Reptilian Karmic Third Parties are Masters and Soul Masters and try to love yourself completely, from your Physical Body to your Interiority.

– Bianca Venere Venus

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